Several of them are still on my phone so I reimported one using that app. In retrospect, I think I probably imported my 'upside down' photos from my iPhone 5s to my Mac using Apple's Image Capture app, not Photos. Maybe it's the orientation of the iPhone when I took the pic that caused it.

Thanks R C-R! I'm sure the photo was never previously rotated in the Photos app, but it worked anyway. After doing that, the photo layer appeared right side up in the NIK filters. Even though it was already a rasterized pixel layer, doing that 'resets' the Move tool's rotate handle to the top, in effect resetting the pixel rotation to 0°. The fix was simple: choose the photo pixel layer, right click on it, & choose "Rasterize." from the popup menu. That became obvious in AP when I selected the Move tool, selected the photo pixel layer, & noticed that the Move tool rotate handle was at the bottom instead of the top. I had that issues but I figured out why: Like you, I had opened a photo from my iPhone, one that as it turned out I had to rotate 180° for it to appear right side up at some point in the past, probably in Apple's Photos app. Has anyone else had this issue? I don't see any tool to rotate the image within the plugin either. Unfortunately the photo appears upside down when used in Affinity Photo, like this:

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Thanks for the video link, I managed to install the plugins.